#22/613 is the more ash or #27/613 which is the warmer colour, #27/60 is even lighter and more ash (seen in the third photo on our info site). Better still double them up for more impact and blend with another the same or a similar colour to blend best with your own hair colour!! Great for messy buns, chignons.
Kattygurl scrunchies, curls on point!! Curls on point stretch them, twist them, tie them! more photos and products, to compare colours.
Our newest product and on strong elastic with random rolling curls. As seen in the photos, they can be wound around your own hair/bun/ponytail. Cheap enough that everyone can have at least 2!!!
Unmatched in versatility, man made Kanekalon offers higher heat resistance plus flame retardant protection. Kanekalon is the most preferred and finest brand of modacrylic hair available in the world.